In this reflective blog post, I draw inspiration from the ongoing divisions and conflicts prevalent in our interconnected world. Through an insightful illustration, I aim to shed light on the distractions that keep us bickering about minor things while emphasizing the fundamental needs that contribute to our happiness and well-being. This piece serves as a reminder to question the powers that be and seek a peaceful existence for ourselves and our loved ones.

The inspiration for this blog and illustration stems from my observations of people constantly at odds with one another. In a world where connectivity should bring us closer, we find ourselves more divided than ever. I believe our focus is misplaced and often consumed by insignificant disagreements. What truly matters are the basic elements that bring contentment: security, survival, and the support of family and loved ones. The definition of "loved ones" can vary, encompassing friends, chosen family, or those who share our values. By nurturing a peaceful and harmonious life, we can find fulfilment beyond superficial distractions.
The Illustration:
The illustration depicts a monstrous figure that symbolizes the forces that divide us. It represents the inner struggle of holding conflicting thoughts and ideologies, whether they are political, personal, or societal. This visual metaphor urges us to question these divisions, as they often prevent us from seeking a common goal—a peaceful existence. Despite our differences, our desire for tranquillity and the well-being of ourselves and our loved ones unites us at the core.

Seeking Balance: Scepticism and Careful Consideration:
I advocate for a balanced approach where scepticism and careful consideration play a pivotal role. It is crucial to think critically and logically rather than solely relying on emotions. While emotions have their place, a chaotic world dominated by feelings can lead to inconsistency and the abandonment of rhyme and reason. We must navigate the complexities of life with a blend of heartfelt compassion and rational thinking, understanding that today's beliefs may evolve, requiring us to adapt and grow.
In conclusion, this illustration and accompanying message call for a deeper understanding of the divisive forces at play in our society. By prioritizing the pursuit of a peaceful existence, we can bridge our differences and work towards common goals. Let us embrace scepticism, critical thinking, and logical reasoning as we navigate the complexities of our world. Together, we can foster harmony, both within ourselves and in our communities, while staying open to growth and change. If someone disagrees with your point of view, that does not make them an enemy.