Hi Everyone. Ever look around and feel like the world's caught in an endless twilight? While we transition from one challenge to the next, I can't help but be moved by the numerous genuine acts of kindness around us. Even in twilight, inspiration isn't hard to come by.
The Artistic Journey
So, what's got me rambling today? It's this woodworking piece I've been tinkering with. The head of Frankenstein's monster It's a bit different—kind of like a colourful wooden illustration. It is pieces of wood cut and then stacked upon each other to make a layered piece, which creates depth. The light and shadows on this piece are always moving as the day progresses. You've got these vivid shades of green and black all wrapped up in a cosy walnut frame. But beyond its aesthetics, this piece is a story.
Metaphors of Conflict
I'd rather not elaborate on the world's present conflicts. I will try to use metaphors. Think about life as a canvas, and we're all just splashes of colour, mixing and mingling. Different perspectives, like brushstrokes, come together to create something that's sometimes messy, often unexpected, but always fascinating. Colours can be complementary or they can clash, but beauty can always be found either way you look at it.
Shattered Perspectives
Sometimes what seems to be crystal clear when you first look at it can get so muddled once you take a closer look. Our lives are not a Disney fairy tale; nothing is just black and white but a whole lot more complex. When you uncover even one layer, the depth and intricacy of certain situations become evident, along with the hurdles to transforming them. I have found that one of the most difficult things to let go of is making snap judgments. A lot of our opinions are built on those. Once they take root, they rarely change.
Humanity's Complexity
People, societies, cultures, and beliefs—well, they're a complex mix. These create a tapestry of woven complexity that creates many shades. But humanity is resilient, and even in our darkest moments, I see flickers of hope. In general, we want to make things better; that's what keeps us going as community-driven creatures. Individuals and societies are not easily categorized as purely good or evil.
Reflection in the Mirror: Embracing Our Shadows
Now, let's talk about mirrors. Remember Frankenstein's monster? Folks used to point fingers and call him a monster. Their actions were out of fear and misunderstanding. They acted like demons only to understand that this showed a mirror of their lack of humanity, which is truly the monster here. Sometimes, the monsters we fear are nothing more than our own reflections.
Carl Jung, a wise mind of the past, spoke of something called "the shadow." "The shadow" is a part of ourselves we would rather keep hidden, a darkness we do not want to acknowledge. But often we project our shadows onto others. These parts of ourselves, which we don't like, we see in others and then blame them for them. While we are actually just yelling in a mirror.
Blame our shortcomings on the rest of the world. When we point fingers and call others monsters, it's often a way of avoiding our own inner monsters.
In the midst of these ever-changing currents of existence, let's remember the tale of Frankenstein's misunderstood creation, a character once unjustly branded a monster. Yet, in the end, he served as a mirror, reflecting our own hidden truths. Those very monsters we fear are frequently shadows we've cast ourselves, the obscure facets we attribute to others.