Hey everyone,
I'm excited because I'm putting one of my old comics back online! The comic is called Game Night Adventure, and I hope you take time to read it. This long-form colored comic is 177 pages long and was developed from my earlier comic, Game Night, which was all about my girlfriend and me and our love for board games. Game Night Adventure is a coming-of-age story set in a fantasy world.
I originally posted Game Night Adventure as an online comic, sharing one page each week for about three and a half years. If I could make it today, I would probably do things differently. A while ago I took this comic offline, and recently I realised that I should still be proud of what I accomplished, even if I approach things differently now.
Game Night Adventure is now back online and ready for you to read! The story follows a young couple named Kaya and Melvin as they arrive in a small harbour town and discover that strange things are happening. People are getting sick, and the world around them seems to be leading into war. Not long after, they find themselves on an adventure, trying to figure out what is happening in this world.
Follow this link to read the first page and start your adventure today! Thank you for your Game Night Adventure
Or if you are more interested in how I made a page, check out this link: How is a comic page made?